
BCC 2021
28th British Combinatorial Conference
5th – 9th July 2021
Delivered Online from Durham University
The British Combinatorial Conference is a biennial event organized in the UK attracting international researchers in all areas of combinatorics.
The 2021 event is the 28th conference in the series and is being held online organized by the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences in Durham under the auspices of the ACiD research group.
The conference is overseen by the British Combinatorial Committee.
The programme mainly consists of plenary talks, mini-symposia, and contributed talks. There will also be a session on open problems and a BCC business meeting where all delegates are invited. The timetable is given here (a version with Zoom links has been sent by email), and the book of abstracts of all talks is kept here.
Below are the titles and abstracts (click on the title) of the plenary lectures and a list of the mini-symposia.
As is traditional, a concert will be organised (provisionally at 8pm on 6 July). if you are interested in taking part, please email David Penman at [email protected]. The concert is not exclusively musical, relevant readings and other art forms are also welcome, but it will, of course, be entirely online.
Plenary Lectures
- Codes and cryptography
Organiser: Maura Paterson (Birkbeck, University of London)
Lilya Budaghyan (University of Bergen)
Michael Kiermaier (University of Bayreuth)
Siaw-Lynn Ng (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Doug Stinson (University of Waterloo) - Designs and Latin squares
Organiser: Ian Wanless (Monash University)
Peter Cameron (University of St Andrews)
Nick Cavenagh (University of Waikato)
Peter Dukes (University of Victoria)
Liana Yepremyan (London School of Economics) - Extremal combinatorics
Organiser: Peter Allen (London School of Economics)
Michelle Delcourt (Ryerson University)
Anita Liebenau (UNSW Sydney)
Natasha Morrison (University of Victoria)
Olaf Parczyk (London School of Economics) - Graph colouring
Organiser: Irena Penev (Charles University, Prague)
Louis Esperet (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Chính T. Hoàng (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Sophie Spirkl (University of Waterloo
Nicolas Trotignon (ENS Lyon) - Probabilistic combinatorics
Organiser: Agelos Georgakopoulos (University of Warwick)
Andreas Galanis (University of Oxford)
Alexander Holroyd (University of Bristol)
Tobias Müller (Groningen University)
Leonardo Rolla (University of Warwick) - Temporal graphs
Organiser: Thomas Erlebach (University of Leicester)
Kitty Meeks (University of Glasgow)
Hendrik Molter (TU Berlin)
Nils Morawietz (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Amitabh Trehan (Durham University)
Delegates were invited to give a 20 minute contributed talk on any topic within Combinatorics. The deadline for submitting abstracts has now passed and all submitters will have received a response from us. Speakers of accepted abstracts must register for the conference before 18 June. Accepted abstracts will appear in the programme. When scheduling your talk, we will assume that you are resident at your home institution and bear in mind its time zone.
Registration is now closed.
It is a longstanding tradition of the BCC for the plenary speakers to prepare survey articles on the subjects of their talks in advance of the meeting and for these to be published in a book, a copy of which is given to all conference delegates. These Surveys in Combinatorics volumes are useful snapshots the development of modern combinatorics.
Sadly we can’t give you all a book in person this year, but Surveys in Combinatorics 2021 has been produced and is ready to read. The electronic version of the book is here. If your institution has a subscription with Cambridge University Press, then you may already have access. If not, CUP have made the electronic version available to all conference participants for the next month. Instructions on how to get access will be emailed shortly.
For those who want the physical book, it is available to purchase directly from Cambridge here at 30% discount (=£42) and with free shipping to many locations. Cambridge are also offering this discount and shipping offer on a number of other new and older books of interest to the delegates.
Registered Participants
- Julian Abel, University of New South Wales
- Umanda Abeysinghe, University of New South Wales
- Wahyuni Abidin, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Nair Abreu, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Atif Abueida, University of Dayton
- Duncan Adamson, University of Liverpool
- Karim Adiprasito, University of Copenhagen
- Sam Adriaensen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Muhammad Ajmal, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Bogdan Alecu, University of Warwick
- James Alex, Curtin University
- Gianira Alfarano, University of Zurich
- Saeid Alikhani, Yazd University
- Sarwan Ali, Georgia State University
- Peter Allen, London School of Economics
- Alexander Allin, Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Awss Alogaidi, Middle Technical University
- Michael Anastos, Freie Universität Berlin
- I Wayan Palton Anuwiksa, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- A. Arul Shantrinal, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
- Hande Aydın, Ege University
- Robert Bailey, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Yasir Barlas, Queen Mary University of London
- Santiago Barrera Acevedo, Monash University
- Paul Bastide, ENS Rennes
- Ben Barber, University of Manchester
- Daniele Bartoli, University of Perugia
- Edy Tri Baskoro, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Natalie Behague, Ryerson University, Toronto
- Thomas Bending, Middlesex University
- Alistair Benford, University of Birmingham
- Benjamin Aram Berendsohn, Freie Universität Berlin
- Marko Berghoff, University of Oxford
- Anton Betten, Colorado State University
- David Bevan, University of Strathclyde
- Ez-Zobair Bidine, Hassan First University
- Anurag Bishnoi, TU Delft
- Arindam Biswas, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India
- Simon Blackburn, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Jan Bok, Charles University
- Marthe Bonamy, University of Bordeaux
- Matteo Bonini, University College Dublin
- Julia Böttcher, London School of Economics
- Nicolas Bousquet, CNRS, LIRIS, Univ. Lyon
- Candida Bowtell, University of Oxford
- Simona Boyadzhiyska, Freie Universität Berlin
- Samuel Braunfeld, University of Maryland, College Park
- Robert Brignall, The Open University
- Thomas Britz, UNSW Sydney
- Lilya Budaghyan, University of Bergen
- Denys Bulavka, Charles University
- Benjamin Merlin Bumpus, University of Glasgow
- Yudhistira Bunjamin, UNSW Sydney
- Andrea Burgess, University of New Brunswick
- Thomas Butterfield, Durham University
- Seray Çakırgil, TOBB University of Economics and Technology
- Asier Calbet, Queen Mary University of London
- Ben Cameron, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Peter Cameron, University of St Andrews
- Chiara Capresi, Università degli Studi di Siena
- Carl Johan Casselgren, Linköping University
- Matteo Cavaleri, Università degli Studi Unicusano, Roma
- Nick Cavenagh, University of Waikato
- Kelly Chang
- Mun See Chang, University of St Andrews
- Ionut Chirvase, University of Bucharest
- Suchakree Chueluecha, Lehigh University
- Zhi Yee Chng, UNSW Sydney
- Dennis Clemens, Hamburg University of Technology
- Daniel Cocks, The Open University
- Diana Combe, University of New South Wales
- Giuseppe Cotardo, University College Dublin
- Antonio Cossidente, University of Basilicata
- Bence Csajbok, ELKH-ELTE Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics Research Group
- Konrad Dabrowski, University of Leeds
- Daniele D’Angeli, Università Niccolò Cusano, Roma
- Dan Daly, Southeast Missouri State University
- Simone Dantas, Fluminense Federal University
- Peter Danziger, Ryerson University
- Bapan Das, Balurghat College
- Resul Das, Firat University
- Sweta Das, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
- Akbar Davoodi, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Bishal Deb, University College London
- Michelle Delcourt, Ryerson University
- Zakir Deniz, Duzce University
- Stoyan Dimitrov, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Kamal Dliou, Ibnu Zohr University
- Alfredo Donno, Università Niccolò Cusano, Roma
- Peter Dukes, University of Victoria
- Calina Durbac, Durham University
- Mark Ellingham, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Jo Ellis-Monaghan, University of Amsterdam
- Christian Elsholtz, Graz University of Technology
- M. Reza Emamy-K, UPR, Rio Piedras, Department of Mathematics, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Jess Enright, University of Glasgow
- Joshua Erde, TU Graz
- Aysel Erey, Gebze Technical University
- Thomas Erlebach, University of Leicester
- Grahame Erskine, Open University
- Louis Esperet, Université Grenoble Alpes
- Alberto Espuny Díaz, Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Raul Falcon, Universidad de Sevilla
- Giovanni Falcone, Università di Palermo
- Carl Feghali, Charles University, Prague
- John Fink, University of Michigan – Dearborn
- Felix Fischer, Queen Mary University of London
- Jan Foniok, Google Switzerland
- Tony Forbes
- Andrea Freschi, University of Birmingham
- Yuichiro Fujiwara, Chiba University
- Max Gadouleau, Durham University
- Rishikesh Gajjala, Indian Institute of Science
- Andreas Galanis, University of Oxford
- Marcin Gąsiorek, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Jigyasa Gaurav, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Alexander Gavrilyuk, Shimane University
- Ian Gent, University of St Andrews
- Agelos Georgakopoulos, University of Warwick
- Nicholas Georgiou, Durham University
- Abdul Ghani, Durham University
- Mariem Ghoula, University of Paris
- Irene Gil Fernández, University of Warwick
- Shoni Gilboa, The Open University of Israel
- Massimo Giulietti, Università degli Studi di Perugia
- Kirithiga Nandini Gnanasekaran, Hindustan Institute of Technology
- Jan Goedgebeur, Ghent University
- Umit Baris Gokkaya, Bogazici University
- Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa
- Bertille Granet, University of Birmingham
- Baruch Granovsky, Technion
- Ron Gray, Queen Mary University of London
- Jan Grebik, University of Warwick
- Catherine Greenhill, UNSW Sydney
- Terry Griggs, The Open University
- Martin Grohe, Aachen University
- Harald Gropp, Universität Heidelberg
- Hakan Guler, Kastamonu University
- Fatmanur Gürsoy, Yildiz Technical University
- He Guo, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Heng Guo, University of Edinburgh
- Akshay Gupte, University of Edinburgh
- Pranshu Gupta, Hamburg University of Technology
- Rimma Hamalainen, California State University Northridge
- Stefan Hammer, Graz University of Technology
- Robert Hancock, Heidelberg University
- Anoushka Harit, Durham University
- Tom Harris, Cambridge University Press
- Daniel Hawtin, University of Rijeka
- Matthew Henderson
- Tim Hetherington, Nottingham Trent University
- Jan van den Heuvel, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Claire Hilaire, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
- James Hirschfeld, University of Sussex
- Nagesh H M, PES University
- Patrick Hompe, University of Waterloo
- Eng Keat Hng, London School of Economics
- Chính T. Hoàng, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Duc A. Hoang, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Ruth Hoffmann, University of St Andrews
- Alexander Holroyd, University of Bristol
- Jake Horsfield, University of Leeds
- Paola Huaynoca, Fluminense Federal University
- Siti Humaira, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Glenn Hurlbert, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Joseph Hyde, Birmingham University
- Kittitat Iamthong, University of Strathclyde
- Hany Ibrahim, University of Applied Science Mittweida
- Freddie Illingworth, University of Cambridge
- Bill Jackson, Queen Mary University of London
- Matthew Johnson, Durham University
- Robert Johnson, Queen Mary University of London
- Tom Johnston, University of Oxford
- Annie Joseph Pulimoottil, Loyola College
- Neha Joshi, University of Regina
- Ville Junnila, University of Turku, Finland
- Prakasha K N, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, India
- Ohr Kadrawi, Ariel University
- Nina Kamcev, Monash University
- Dong-yeap Kang, University of Birmingham
- Vildan Karahan
- Hamed Karami, Iran University of Science and Technology
- Fatma Karaoglu, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University
- Amarja Kathapurkar, University of Birmingham
- Atsuya Kato, Osaka Prefecture University
- Moty Katzman, Sheffield University
- Daiki Kawabata, Osaka Prefecture University
- Tom Kelly ,University of Birmingham
- Aditya Khanna, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
- Michael Kiermaier, University of Bayreuth
- Oli King, Newcastle University, UK
- Alaittin Kırtışoğlu, Hacettepe University
- Sergey Kitaev, University of Strathclyde
- Lukas Klawuhn, TU Dortmund
- Nina Klobas, Durham University
- Alexander Kolpakov, Université de Neuchâtel
- George Kontogeorgiou, University of Warwick
- Nicholas Korpelainen, University of Derby
- Mirza Krbezlija, FAMNIT (University of Primorska)
- Mike Krebs, California State University, Los Angeles
- Matjaž Krnc, FAMNIT (University of Primorska)
- Gaurav Kucheriya, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Aiya Kuchukova, Duke Kunshan University
- Selda Küçükçifçi, Koç University
- Manish Kumar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Jan Kurkofka, Universität Hamburg
- David Kutner, Durham University
- Domenico Labbate, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza
- Tero Laihonen, University of Turku
- Joshua Lam, UNSW Sydney
- Craig Larson, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Van Bang Le, University of Rostock
- Florian Lehner, TU Graz
- Tuomo Lehtilä, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon
- Charlotte Lenz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Thomas Lesgourgues, UNSW Sydney
- Yanjia Li, University of Waterloo
- Anita Liebenau, UNSW Sydney
- Kevin Limanta, UNSW Sydney
- Max Lind, University Scholars Program
- Christian Lindorfer, Graz University of Technology
- Alexei Lisitsa, University of Liverpool
- Dimitrios Los, University of Cambridge
- Laila Loudiki, Cadi Ayyad University
- Vadim Lozin, University of Warwick
- Xiao-Nan Lu, University of Yamanashi
- Robert Luther, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Borut Lužar, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto, Slovenia
- Austin MacDonald, Memorial University Newfoundland
- Kyle MacKeigan, Dalhousie University
- Sonwabile Mafunda, University of Johannesburg
- Marija Maksimović, University of Rijeka
- Roghayeh Maleki, University of Regina
- Rehan Malik, Ryerson University
- Trent Marbach, Ryerson University
- David Marchant
- John Marcoux, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Rodrigo Marinho, IST, University of Lisbon
- Giuseppe Marino, University of Naples “Federico II”
- Elizabeth Maritz, University of the Free State
- Lilian Markenzon, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Barnaby Martin, Durham University
- James Martin, University of Oxford
- Tatsuya Maruta, Osaka Prefecture University
- Sam Mattheus, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Davide Mattiolo, University of Verona
- Karen Meagher, University of Regina
- Kitty Meeks, University of Glasgow
- Gustavo Melendez Rios, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras
- Domenico Mergoni, LSE
- Arturo Merino, TU Berlin
- Criel Merino, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Francesca Merola, Roma Tre University
- George Mertzios, Durham University
- Peleg Michaeli, Tel Aviv University
- Xandru Mifsud, University of Malta
- Mirjana Mikalacki, University of Novi Sad
- Martin Milanič, University of Primorska
- Meysam Miralaei, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
- Tapas Kumar Mishra, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
- Iain Moffatt, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Yannick Mogge, Hamburg University of Technology
- Michael Molloy, University or Toronto
- Hendrik Molter, TU Berlin
- Nils Morawietz, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Fiorenza Morini, University of Parma
- Thomas Morris, Durham University
- Natasha Morrison, University of Victoria
- Tobias Müller, Groningen University
- Andrea Munaro Queen’s University Belfast
- Torsten Mutze, University of Warwick
- Richard Mycroft, University of Birmingham
- Maya Nabila, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Tássio Naia, Universidade de São Paulo
- Tomoki Nakamigawa, Shonan Institute of Technology
- Namrata, University of Warwick
- Pratip Nandi
- Julliano Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Goiás
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Hai Nguyen, University of Exeter
- Tony Nixon, Lancaster University
- Steven Noble, Birkbeck, University of London
- Jonathan Noel, University of Victoria
- Keita Nomura, Osaka Prefecture University
- Cian O’Brien, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Uğur Odabaşı
- Deryk Osthus, Birmingham University
- Pablo Oviedo Timoneda University of Birmingham
- Sibel Özkan, Gebze Technical University
- Giacomo Paesani, Durham University
- Silvia Pagani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia
- Joshua Paik, Penn State University
- Leonard Paleta, University of Southern Mindanao
- Christoforos Panagiotis, University of Geneva
- Olaf Parczyk, London School of Economics
- Matteo Parisi, University of Oxford, Princeton University
- Maura Paterson, Birkbeck, University of London
- Kalen Patton, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Daniel Paulusma, Durham University
- Francesco Pavese, Polytechnic University of Bari
- Marco Pavone, Università di Palermo
- Marco Antonio Pellegrini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Irena Penev, Charles University, Prague
- David Penman, University of London
- Valentina Pepe, Sapienza University of Rome
- Yury Person, Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Mirko Petruševski, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia
- William Pettersson, University of Glasgow
- Vincent Pfenninger, University of Birmingham
- David Pike, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- Vladimir Potapov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
- Robert Powell, Durham University
- Emil Powierski, University of Oxford
- Cheryl Praeger, University of Western Australia
- Thomas Prellberg, Queen Mary University of London
- Shruthi Prusty, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
- Jakub Przybyło, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
- Ida Pu, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Daniel Quiroz, Universidad de Valparaiso
- Andi Pujo Rahadi, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Rameez Raja, National Institute of Technology Srinagar
- Firdavs Rakhmonov, University of Rochester
- Jarne Renders, KU Leuven
- Muhammad Ridwan, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Eric Rodriguez-Boidi, Durham University
- Leonardo Rolla, University of Warwick
- Colva Roney-Dougal, University of St Andrews
- Aalekh Roy, Institute of Mathematics and Applications Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- Gordon Royle, University of Western Australia
- Sanja Rukavina, University of Rijeka
- Carrie Rutherford, London South Bank University
- Sarang Sadawarte, Sharda University, India
- Manjil Saikia, Cardiff University
- András Salamon, University of St Andrews
- Nika Salia, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
- Vinicius dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- Siddhartha Sarkar, Shiv Madar University
- Andriaherimanana Sarobidy, Razafimahatratra University of Regina
- Shohei Satake, Kumamoto University
- Michael Savery, University of Oxford
- Irene Sciriha, University of Malta
- Alex Scott, University of Oxford
- Benjamin Seamone, Dawson College, Montreal
- Thomas Selig, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
- Sarah Selkirk, University of Klagenfurt
- Amedeo Sgueglia, London School of Economics
- Zill e Shams, University of Exeter
- Mahsa Shirazi, University of Regina
- Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari, ENS de Lyon
- Jozef Skokan, London School of Economics
- Riste Škrekovski, University of Ljubljana and Novo Mesto
- Espen Slettnes, University of California, Berkeley
- Souad Slimani, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene
- Valentino Smaldore, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza
- Jason Smith, Nottingham Trent University
- Sophie Spirkl, University of Waterloo
- Katherine Staden, University of Oxford
- Dudley Stark, Queen Mary University of London
- Iain Stewart, Durham University
- Luke Stewart Royal Holloway, University of London
- Doug Stinson, University of Waterloo
- Kenny Štorgel, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
- Zhongtian Sun, Durham University
- Andrea Svob, University of Rijeka
- John Sylvester, University of Glasgow
- Gloria Tabarelli, University of Verona
- Jane Tan, University of Oxford
- Hopein Christofen Tang, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Anna Taranenko, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
- Hossein Teimoori Faal, Allameh Tabataba’i University of Tehran, Iran
- Henry (Maya) Thackeray, University of Pretoria
- Maya Thompson, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Daniel Threlfall, University of Strathclyde
- Marco Timpanella, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
- Yozef Tjandra, Calvin Institute of Technology, Jakarta
- Olivier Togni, Université de Bourgogne
- David Torres Sanchez, Lancaster University
- Andrew Treglown, Birmingham University
- Amitabh Trehan, Durham University
- Nicolas Trotignon, ENS Lyon
- Tiana Tsang Ung, UNSW Sydney
- Ludmila Tsiovkina, Krasovsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
- Yu Tsunoda, University of Tsukuba
- James Tuite, Open University
- Ramakrishna Vakulabharanam
- Anton Varonka, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
- Coen del Valle, University of Victoria
- Hiranmayee Venkataramanan, Stella Maris college
- S. Venkitesh, India Institute of Technology Bombay
- Ralihe Villagran, CINVESTAV-IPN
- Konstantin Vorob’ev, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
- Andrew Wade, Durham University
- Matthew Wales, University of Cambridge
- Hitesh Wankhede, IISER Pune
- Ian Wanless, Monash University
- Vindya Warnakulasooriya, University of Peradeniya
- Lutz Warnke, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Matthew Watson, Durham University
- Bridget Webb, The Open University
- Belinda Wickes, Queen Mary University of London
- Marcin Witkowski, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Wolfgang Woess, Institute of Discrete Mathematics, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Julia Wolf, University of Cambridge
- Tin Lok Wong, National University of Singapore
- Willie Wong, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
- Xinyi Xu, London School of Economics
- Shizhou Yang, Queen’s University Belfast
- Rika Yanti, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Daniel Yaqubi, University of Torbat-e-Jam
- Emine Şule Yazıcı Yuret, Koç University
- Liana Yepremyan, London School of Economics
- Fatih Yetgin, Gebze Technical University
- Mehmet Akif Yetim, Suleyman Demirel University
- Mehmet Aziz Yirik, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
- Kai Siong Yow, Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Katarzyna Zając, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Viktor Zamaraev, University of Liverpool
- Soukaina Zayat, Lebanese University
- Jean Paul Zerafa, University of Malta
- Chen Yu Zhang, Durham University
- Giovanni Zini, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
- Michele Zito, University of Liverpool
- Majid Zohrehbandian, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
- Zulfaneti Zulfaneti, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Ferdinando Zullo, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
- Vadim Zverovich, University of the West of England
The conference is hosted online by Algorithms and Complexity in Durham (ACiD), a research group of the Department of Computer Science with members also from the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Organizing Committee
- Konrad Dabrowski (now at Leeds)
- Max Gadouleau (Chair)
- Nicholas Georgiou
- Matthew Johnson
- George Mertzios
- Daniel Paulusma
contact: [email protected]